Recycling 360
Strategic Aims


To provide high quality recycling and waste collection services for its customers cost effectively and efficiently.


To develop the commercial waste business in such a way that it succeeds in generating revenue growth up to the Teckal limit.


To ensure, by exploiting opportunities within commercial waste, that the company’s financial targets are achieved.


To deliver services in such a way that the carbon impact of the company’s business activities may be reduced.


To provide LBH with an efficient and cost-effective sorting and processing service that allows its recyclables to be collected and prepared for onward sale and transportation to the re-processor markets.


To exploit and take advantage of opportunities arising from a new state-of-the-art recycling depot capable of 24 hour operation.


To recruit and retain an enthusiastic staff committed to delivering services to the highest standards and to provide opportunities for their personal and professional development.


To compete successfully for other local authority contracts as they come to market.