Emma Jones
Emma is an environmental professional with 25 years experience of supporting organisations – primarily in the public sector – in the development and delivery of their environmental strategies. Since 2012, Emma has been a partner at CAG Consultants LLP, one of the UK’s leading consultancies offering evidence-based research and advice relating to environmental, economic and social sustainability. For CAG, Emma has led projects that range from policy evaluations and toolkit development to the facilitation of peer-to-peer learning networks and development of environmental champion networks. Clients include the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Local Government Association, the Greater London Authority, Citizens Advice and Clarion Housing as well as a number of local authorities.
Emma’s expertise in this field has been recognised by her appointment to the judging panel of the Ashden Awards for climate action innovation; she served on the Awards’ UK panel from 2010-2019. She is also on the judging panel for the Association for Decentralised Energy Awards and previously chaired the SHIFT awards for sustainability in social housing. She spent several years working as a Local Improvement Advisor on behalf of the Improvement and Development Association for local government, advising on climate change mitigation and adaptation and was previously an assessor for the Queen’s Award for Sustainable Development. Prior to joining CAG, Emma founded and ran her own environmental consultancy, Impetus Consulting Ltd, for 12 years. Emma has previously served as a Non-Executive Director for Sustainable Homes (a subsidiary of Hastoe Housing Association) and for the Association for the Conservation of Energy. She spent five years as a Trustee of the fuel poverty charity Eaga Charitable Trust and three years as a Trustee of the Friends of Charter School. Emma holds a masters degree in environmental technology from Imperial College and a geography degree from Cambridge University. She is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society.