Tony Middleton
Tony has a vast background of experience at non executive board director level and also at executive director level within the public and private sectors. He is a non executive director of the Lampton Group main board and chairs the Finance, Risk, Audit and Performance Committee and also chairs the Health and Safety committee. He is currently the Chief Operating Officer of a Local Enterprise Partnership, having been previously at the global insurance giant AIG, where he was the Director of Property and Facilities across Europe, Middle East, Africa and India. Tony is also a non executive director and main Board member of Barking and Dagenham’s regeneration company and its subsidiaries. He chairs their Audit, Risk and Health and Safety committee. Tony was a former non executive director of the Croydon town centre business improvement district and executive main board director of CCURV. In previous other executive roles, Tony was director of Infrastructure and Regeneration at the London Borough of Croydon and prior to that Estates Director at the University of Sussex delivering projects such as the Sussex Innovation Centre and the Brighton and Sussex medical school. A chartered building services engineer and member of the chartered institution of building services engineers, by background. He is also a fellow of the institute of workplace and facilities management. Tony holds a degree in environmental (building services) engineering.