Explore Lampton Group
Click below to explore Lampton Services, Lampton Leisure and Lampton Homes
We are an organisation which is ‘of the Council’ but different, combining commercial expertise with a commitment to public service. A company wholly owned by the council, we seek out business opportunities with clients who share our values and the values of our sole shareholder the London Borough of Hounslow. You can learn more about our work in the video below.

Lampton Group Board
The role of the Board of Directors is to promote the success of the Lampton Group and provide clear leadership to enable the Group to deliver the objectives with which it has been tasked. The board is answerable to the Cabinet of the London Borough of Hounslow as sole shareholder and operates under a framework of effective controls and corporate governance. The Group is otherwise free to operate in the best interests of the Group and to compete on an even basis with its competitors in the marketplace.

Martin Cresswell

Robert Overall